
How to enable aptX (HD) Bluetooth audio on your iPhone, iPad?

At time of writing, the short answer is: you can't. And not only because iOS gives us no way to tell which audio codec is being used to bridge ...

Does the iPhone 12 Pro support aptX HD?

In a blind taste test, you'd be hard pressed to hear any difference at all honestly. Both codecs support 24bit and 48khz which are the two ...

【心得】iPhone 藍牙規格不行的解決方案:iPhone 15 + Creative BT ...

耳機又剛好支援Aptx adaptive. 決定來體驗看看什麼叫垃圾AAC,測了幾個OTG產品來回報給大家 ; 結論是外包裝寫都寫OTG,但應該是有支援音頻控制的才支援.

如何最大程度提昇你iPhone的無線藍芽串流音樂質素? 幫 ...

Sony的無線耳機是小數在iOS和Android系統下的聲音比較接近的,但因為iOS本身不支持aptx HD,所以iOS之下Sony的耳機會顯得沒那麼細緻,聲音會比較厚而暖,但 ...


5 天前 · aptX是什麼? ... aptX 為高通晶片廠主推的編碼技術,其專利權也是在高通,它的傳輸量比傳統藍牙編碼效率更高,一般的aptx 可以傳輸352kbps數據傳輸速度。 此外, ...

在iPhone 上的「音樂」中播放無損壓縮音訊

如要從Apple Music 取得你已下載的音樂之無損壓縮版本,只需刪除該音樂並從Apple Music 目錄重新下載。 如要在iPhone 上播放取樣頻率高於48 kHz 的歌曲,你需要外置數碼模擬 ...


因為想要耳機的aptX編碼可以使用,所以最近一直在找一款好的藍牙發射器來聽高音質音樂。我今年暑假要出國留學,手上有一副支持aptX編碼的耳機, ...

iPhone 15 Type-C 接口,可以實現aptX 無損音質嗎?

aptX是高通的專利,iPhone又不使用高通的藍牙晶片,哪有可能支援aptX。 就算是外接高通晶片的Type-C藍牙發射器,前提是iPhone以DAC轉換再從Type-C輸出的聲音 ...

Does “Qualcomm aptx” really makes any difference in sou and ...

Aptx or any lossless codec that isnt ALAC, aren't supported on Apple Music nor on iPhone nor on Airpods, if you want to listen ALAC files ...

Can we talk about the fact that in 2024 the iPhone 16 Pro STILL will ...

AptX is a proprietary Qualcomm codec so Apple is not going to implement that. LDAC is proprietary to Sony. Apple hardware is optimized for AAC ...


Attimeofwriting,theshortansweris:youcan't.AndnotonlybecauseiOSgivesusnowaytotellwhichaudiocodecisbeingusedtobridge ...,Inablindtastetest,you'dbehardpressedtohearanydifferenceatallhonestly.Bothcodecssupport24bitand48khzwhicharethetwo ...,耳機又剛好支援Aptxadaptive.決定來體驗看看什麼叫垃圾AAC,測了幾個OTG產品來回報給大家;結論是外包裝寫都寫OTG,但應該是有支援音頻控制的才支援.,Sony的無線耳機是小數在...